Dwell Global

Being wholehearted disciples, Making wholehearted disciples

Dwell Global

With Isaiah 19 as our inspiration we desire to send teams into other
cities and countries across the Regionas the Holy Spirit leads.


Being wholehearted disciples, Making wholehearted disciples

Jesus defined discipleship as an invitation to take up our cross and surrender every part of our life to him. We were not created to live comfortable, long lives. Instead we were created to lay down our life and make His life known. We desire to follow the Lamb wherever He may lead. We want to be marked by a fellowship with Jesus in His sufferings and we want the world to know we are His disciples by our love for one another (John 17). Our vision is beyond a ministry or temporal assignment. Our vision is to lead lives of deep friendship with Jesus and walk worthy of His name. Our vision is Jesus – in our secret lives, in our families and in our communities. Above ministry, above calling our vision is to experience His heart and serve Him in His desire and vision.

Our name Dwell is based on Psalm 91 – “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” While serving God in places that can be potentially hostile to the Gospel, we have confidence that despite what happens around us He will give rest to our souls. Our desire is that this verse would define us as a people who abide with Him in His secret place, above the darkness, and from that place He would cause us to overcome.

OUR Mission Phase

This is the foundation of everything that we do. Discipleship happens in the context of family. As we develop relationships and people come to faith we can’t keep them at a distance, but instead we want to bring them into our home, our lives, and our families.

All of what we do will require people who have a specific calling to missions in the middle east. However, calling isn’t always enough. It’s important for us to train them with biblical knowledge, emotional health, and cultural awareness.

In order to do this we will host two 6 month internships a year with 2-4 people. These internships will be mostly from different churches and communities in the west (America, Europe, etc.). Our desire is to create space for young adults who feel called to missions. There are many who desire to go, but moving overseas for an indefinite amount of time can feel overwhelming. Therefore, having an “on ramp” can make this decision less overwhelming and more possible. While we hope that some of these will continue to serve with us, that will not be
expected. We believe God will speak to them about many different things and we simply want to provide space, opportunities, and prayer for them to step into that journey. Dwell training will launch in January of 2023.

This will require us to periodically visit the states in order to mobilize for Missions. While we don’t have regular visits scheduled, we are committed to doing what is necessary in order to grow and provide missional opportunities with the churches that partner with us. We also would like our board to help us in this cause by advocating and representing us to their respective churches and communities.

As we make and train disciples we will pray with each of them the same way the church prayed in Acts 13. While seeking the Lord with worship and fasting the He spoke and told them to set apart Barnabas and Paul for the work that He had for them. In the same way, we will seek God and send teams to different parts of the middle east. 

In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria. The Assyrians will go to Egypt and the Egyptians to Assyria. The Egyptians and Assyrians will worship together. In that day Israel will be the third, along with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing on the earth. The Lord Almighty will bless them saying, “Blessed be Egypt my people, Assyria my handiwork, and Israel my inheritance.” Isaiah 19:23-25

Isaiah 19 is a prophetic passage where the prophet Isaiah sees a highway going from Egypt to Assyria (modern-day Turkey) and calls Egypt “my people”, Assyria “the work of my hand”, and Israel “my inheritance.” This is a passage that will have its greatest fulfillment before the Lord’s return. Right now God is preparing the people in these lands and unifying their hearts. It’s not normal for Arabs to gather with Turks, and it’s even more unacceptable for either of them to gather with Jews. However, God is making us into one new man where there is neither jew nor gentile (Ephesians 3). We are one of many ministries involved in this work and will partner with many others as we send teams to these different places. Dwell mission will launch in the summer of 2023. 

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Contact us

If you would like more information on who we are or how you can get involved please fill out the contact form below or call us at +1 251-298-7696.